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Showing posts from August, 2010

XSS- (cross site scripting)

To protect yourself from XSS cross site scripting . There are may techniques you can get from the Google search engine. There is an  another way in which you can block the "<"  in the user input so that no one can run the script. You can also filter add a filter or a escape character for the same"<" This will block the

Configure/Install PHP on IIS windows

Step 1 - Download Php from In order to configure or install PHP on IIS, copy the php.ini file from the php directory to the windows directory. If there are any changes in the "PHP.ini" file.make sure the  copies of "PHP.ini" in windows and PHP folder are synchronized. Step 2 -  Goto IIS , Right click on the default website, select properties Step-3: Click on configuration Button,Goto Mapping Tab, Click on Add button and add the same as given in screenshot Step 4:-  Click on and then Close the IIS. Step 5:- Right Click on My Computer>>Select properties>>advance Tab>>select Environment variables Step 6:- Select Path from system variable and then add the path  to the PHP directory, Add a semicolon and then paste the path in variable value Step 7:- Add a New variable called PHPRC and give the variable value as path of php directory Step 8: - Create a file at the root of IIS and name it info.php and writ...