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Showing posts from May, 2011

not able to open microsoft website/microsoft website blocked/Microsoft website not opening

Not able to access any antivirus websites or even microsoft website, Most of the people have problem in opening the website of microsoft or any other antivirus vendors website. Generally people think that this is a virus attack or a  misconfiguration in browser/System which block the Microsoft website I will suggest a simple workaround for this, I have tried this in windows XP not sure about other operating systems, Please check it and let me know Click on Start >> Administrative tools>>Services Select services from the listing      Select DNS client service, If it is started Right Click on it and select Stop. To Stop the Service. Next open a browser and type This will open the open microsoft website. Note: this is just a work around.Please scan your system for virus or any other threats. This blog is not responsible for any effects after the steps, Please do it at your own risk.