Today at an event in Hollywood, Microsoft unveiled Surface: PCs built to be the ultimate stage for Windows. Company executives showed two Windows tablets and accessories that feature significant advances in industrial design and attention to detail. Surface is designed to seamlessly transition between consumption and creation, without compromise. It delivers the power of amazing software with Windows and the feel of premium hardware in one exciting experience. Surface: A New Family of PCs for Windows June 19, 2012 Conceived, designed and engineered entirely by Microsoft employees, and building on the company’s 30-year history manufacturing hardware, Surface is designed to seamlessly transition between consumption and creation, without compromise. Additional Product Information Surface for Windows RT OS: Windows RT Light (1) : 676 g Thin (2) : 9.3 mm Clear: 10.6” ClearType HD Display Energized: 31.5 W-h Connected: microSD, USB 2.0, Micro HD...