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Showing posts from 2016

Static Keyword in C#, unleashing Static keyword in C#

What is Static keyword in C# “Static” keyword can be used for declaring a static member . The keyword Static can be applied to the Classes, field, method, properties, operator, event and constructors. Methods and variable  which we use as static doesn't need an instance to be created of a class. Example of static keyword class testclass {     public static int statint;     public static void squareroot(); } we can call the above static method and variable without creating the instance of the class How to call a static method  testclass.squareroot(); apart from this the static method can use only the static variables of same class.

Boxing and UnBoxing

There are lot of resources available on internet for Boxing and UnBoxing. I have just tried to make it as simple as possible for the reader to understand the difference between Boxing and Unboxing; Here is a simple approach to understand Boxing and UnBoxing. Boxing Boxing is nothing but the process of conversion of Value types to Type Object, any interface type which is implemented by the value type. The C# compiler allow the conversion of value type to reference type and vice versa to value type. while Boxing, value of a value type  is allocated to the instance of an object and the value is copied over to the instance Mainly the operation of converting a particular value type  to a reference type is called BOXing. Example of Boxing class BoxingTest { static void Main() { int IVariable = 1; object Boxing = IVariable; // boxing } } Unboxing: If any value value type is extracted from the object is unboxing, Precisely Converting a value of a referen...

Usage of Ternary Operator

You can optimize the code by using the ternary operator, pass a parameter to this function it will compare the salary with the given value and if the condition satisfied It will print the value before the colon and if not satisfied it will print the value after colon. Ternary Operator (?:) condition ? condition satisfied : Condition not satisfied string TernaryOperatorUsage(int Salary) {     return salary >= 5000 ? "Congratulations! You are eligible for a pay hike." :                        "Sorry! You're not eligible for a pay hike."; } The above example illustrates the use of ternary operator in your code.  

string is null or empty(String.IsNullOrEmpty)

You can check for the strings in the code, There are many things which  you have to consider before you use a string. Declare the string variable and assign it if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(StringVariable)) {   return "is null or empty" ; else return String.Format( "(\"{0}\") is neither null nor empty" , s); } This will check if the string is null or empty and will return a boolean response.