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delete service in windows server 2008/server 2003/xp/ vista

How to delete a service in windows server 2008/server 2003/xp/ vista.

Note: There are some services which are system specific and cannot be stopped, Be careful while deleting a service
The command to delete the service is "sc delete "

The above command executes in DOS prompt.  An error will will come when you execute this command:
"[SC] OpenService FAILED 5:"

To remove this error and to execute the command in good manner.  When you open the command prompt , run it as administrator
and then type :
"sc delete "

This is how to delete the service

Start/Stop the service 

You  can also start the service by Control panel-->administrative tools--> Services

Right Click on the selected service and start/stop it

Ps Note: Before deleting a service in windows server 2008/server 2003/xp/ vista you should confirm the name of service and research in google the effect after you  delete a service. It is difficult to recall the service back after deleting it

Discalimer: Please execute the commands on your own risk. It may  effect the system


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